Rose City Rollers presents Wheels of Justice: Purple vs. White Roller Derby Bout
Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 8pm
Online sales have ended. There will be 49 GA tickets for sale at the door the day of the event. They go on sale when Doors open at 7pm. There is a limited number, and sales are first come, first serve. Must be present at time of purchase for admission. Price - $15 cash, $16 credit card.
Wheels of Justice: Purple vs. White Roller Derby Bout
*Doors open at 7pm, Event starts at 8pm.* Online ticket sales end 6 hours prior to the event and at least 30 GA tickets guaranteed for sale at the door.
Interested in group tickets or being Grand Marshall for a bout? Check out our Be A Star page.
Want to win the Best Seats in the house? Auction goes live on eBay 10 days prior to event.
Be sure to check out our things to Know Before You Go page.