Fuji to Hood
A Japan/Portland Collaboration Beer Festival
Sat, Apr 21, 2018 from 12pm - 4pm
"Fuji to Hood" is a Japan - Portland collaboration beer festival featuring ten Japanese breweries (and one cidery) collaborating with eleven of Portland's finest brewers/cidermakers on original recipes using select Japanese ingredients. Presented by Culmination Brewing, the Fuji to Hood festival also features Sake from SakeOne, Japanese cuisine from Marukin Ramen and Bamboo Sushi, plus Japanese Taiko drumming groups with partial proceeds going to benefit JASO - the Japan-America Society of Oregon. Beer, Japanese Cuisine, and Sake come together in Portland on April 21st, 2018.
Advanced and VIP Tickets (one hour early entrance for only 100) are now on sale for the festival that takes place Saturday, April 21st, 2018 at the The Bindery Annex and Culmination Brewing. Tickets include a one-of-a-kind collectible and branded glass and 12 drink tickets good for 4oz samples of all ten beers and one cider and an extra ticket to go back for a favorite.
Entertainment includes live Japanese Taiko music, decorative Japanese arts, sushi from Bamboo Sushi and ramen from Marukin Ramen for an additional cost.
Participating Portland Brewery - Japanese Brewery:
Burnside Brewing - Yokosuka
Cascade Brewing - Y.MARKET
Widmer Brothers Brewing - Spring Valley
Reverend Nat's Hard Cider - Son of the Smith
Ex Novo Brewing - RISE & WIN
Breakside Brewery - Far Yeast
Upright Brewing - Kyoto Brewing
Hopworks Urban Brewery - Nihonbashi Brewing
Culmination Brewing - Ise Kadoya
Ecliptic Brewing - Heiwa Shuzou
Gigantic Brewing - Harvest Moon