SOLD OUT Minority Retort: The Grande Finale

Fri, May 24, 2024 at 8pm

This event has passed.

On Friday, May 24th at 8:00pm, The Siren Theater is proud to present (for the last time), Minority Retort!

For nearly a decade, Minority Retort has been Portland's premier stand-up comedy showcase featuring Black & Brown comedians and a fixture on the Portland comedy scene. Now… it’s enough already!  Join us as we celebrate Minority Retort’s homegoing with an all-star lineup of some of the show’s favorites from over the years:

Nathan Brannon!

Katie Nguyen!

Adam Pasi!

Anthony Robinson!

Julia Ramos!

The Real Hyjinx!

Debbie Wooten!

Curtis Cook!

Hosted by Jason Lamb and music by DJ Klyph & DJ Ambush of No Requests! And you just KNOW there’s going to be some special guests! 

A portion of the ticket and merchandise sales will go to the Black Parent Initiative, Oregon’s only culturally-specific, community-based nonprofit organization focused solely on supporting Black/African-American families with children. So, be sure to be the first and last one on your block to pick up a sweet Minority Retort T-shirt, button or sticker for a good cause! 

For more on BPI, check out:

Friday May 24, 2024

7:30 doors/ 8:00 show

$15 adv. $20 door

Recommended for +18