Back to School Drag Brunch

Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 12pm

  • all ages, family friendly
This event has passed.

Summer may be over, but more fun's just around the corner!

Raise your hand if you are ready for drag brunch!  Strap on your back pack, dust off your Keds, and come for a show that is guaranteed to cure those Back to School Blues!  Clarklewis, situated in the heart of the Central Eastside, will feature your hostess and school teacher Donatella Nobody and DJ Aurora.  The incomparable, LadyBerri Matthews will serve as co-host, and guest starring none other than Nana Tuckit from TikTok!  Come and watch these amazing performers do what they do best while enjoying hand crafted seasonal brunch fare and craft cocktails.  Doors open at 11:00 am with the show at noon.

This event is all ages and all inclusive - EVERYONE IS WELCOME AND LOVED.  Make sure to bring your dollars!


Host:  Donatella Nobody - @donatellanobodyplease

CoHost: LadyBerri Matthews - @theladymatthews

Guest Star:  Nana Tuckit - @nanatuckit - on Instagram and TikTok

Quesa D'Mondays - @quesa_d.mondays

Ry Bred - @rybred.drag

Tomboy - @dragtomboy

Nick Lacy - @lacyknightly123

Find them on social media and show them some love!

Clarklewis Restaurant

1001 SE Water Avenue
Portland, OR 97214