Fri, Jan 6, 2017 at 9pm
- 21+
The only way to start 2017, is with one hell of a bang! RnB, the holiest of our Tribute Night series, has returned. All night long we will be playing nothing but our three legendary Queens of the music game. That means we'll be playing all the hits, features, collabs, and more. This time around we’ll be doing our most decked out Tribute Night Photo Booth yet. We are also going to let you vote at our photo booth for a special Tribute Night coming soon! We'll be playing music videos of our queens and a few other visual surprises. Make sure you follow the Tribute Night Facebook page so don’t miss out on any of our surprises we have in store.
-Free RnB themed Photo booth all night
-Live video art of the Holy Trinity playing music videos and more all night long!
-Ante Up Crew will Holding down the Decks all night long.
-Dress like your favorite queen and help us decide who is the queen of all queens!
Tickets at tributenight.net