Beady Little Eyes and Sacred Playplace presents...
Under the Same Sky 9/22 @ 7pm
plus a special live music performance!
Sat, Sep 22, 2018 from 7pm - 9:30pm
- Live music
- kid friendly
- puppet show
- Storytelling
** PLEASE NOTE : This particular show (and only the Saturday evening performance) will feature the 45 minute show as well as a live music performace afterwards. There will be a short 20 minute break inbetween the show and the live music set. **
Through live original music, storytelling and puppetry, Tracy McFarland and Dan Luce uplift and attune audiences, young and old, to their own personal joy and heart-centered intuition. Under the Same Sky features three stories: of the river, of the forest and of the mountain. The characters range from philosophical crows, to guitar-playing trees, to a cloud-surfing Yeti! All are theatrically portrayed through a skillful and innovative combination of rod puppetry, marionette, and shadow puppetry. The show is book-ended with live musical performances which leave people feeling profoundly peaceful and elevated.
This is a 45 minute performance w/ no intermission + Live music performance beginning @ 8:15pm!
MUSICIANS: Tyler Stuart, Tracy McFarland, Aaron Coffeen, and Dan Luce
Good for adults and kids ages 3 and up.
For more information about Dan and Tracy, please check out their website :
This show is presented by Beady Little Eyes :