10/26 Rose City Rollers "Whose Jam Is It Anyway?!" Fundraising Bout!

VIP event starts at 5pm. Doors at 5:30pm. Game at 7pm.

at Rose City Rollers Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park
Online ticket Sales are sold out.

"Whose Jam Is It Anyway?!" Rose City Rollers’ premier FUNdraiser bout!

What even is Whose Jam? It's a game where the points don't matter and YOU get to make up the rules. Taking the roller derby you know and love to infinity - and beyond! It's an out-of-this-world experience where the audience takes control. Want to make players switch teams? Put someone in the penalty box? See your favorite skater do their best Ziggy Stardust impression? All this (and more!) is what Whose Jam is all about. The best part? Funds raised at Whose Jam support our Adult and Juniors programs, and literally keep Rose City skaters rolling!

Want to make a night of it? Snag one of our limited VIP passes for the royal treatment. VIP ticket holders are invited to our exclusive pre-func - details below!

VIPs will also receive 2 drink tickets, a bar “fast pass”, and reserved seating right on turn one (a great place to catch all of the action!), at cocktail tables with bar and food service! 

*VIP ONLY event at 5pm, Art Auction, Free Drinks and Snacks, and live Bowie-inspired musical acts!

*Doors open at 5:30pm, Event starts at 7pm. At least 30 GA tickets guaranteed for sale at the door.*

Tunes will be provided by David Bowie Tribute Band The Major Tomboys!

Interested in group tickets? Use code RCRgroups for 10% off a group of 10 or more, reserved seating signage will be placed for you within our bleacher seating.

Be sure to check out our things to Know Before You Go.

New to Roller Derby? Check out this video from the Women's Flat Track Derby Association! but note that this is anything but your normal derby!

Rose City Rollers Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park

7805 SE Oaks Park Wy.
Portland, OR 97202

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Rose City Rollers Hangar at Oaks Amusement Park